test x
أبوسليم، طرابلس، ليبيا
8ص - 4م الأحد إلى الخميس


تقديم عناية خاصة بالزبائن بطريقة تتجاوز توقعاتهم

The request of the new generation of technology services to customers from different sectors seeking solutions practical to help them to accomplish their work and their goals more effectively and safely and in a less expensive and cost, can I do that? The company also provides its customers with excellent technical support services through a customer service center that provides after-sales services at one’s own, giving top priority to our customers’ attention in a way that exceeds their expectations.



Oil and Gas


Financial and Banking


Telecommunications and Information

Technology Sector

Aljeel Aljadeed Services

We are always looking to find ways to satisfy our customers